He is 7m old utd on all shots and will give vet Records. He has extremely great ball drive, and has nerves of steel when he's bit training. Both of he parents…
boys and girls. Happy and friendly, reared indoors with TLC. Dad KC reg, Mum Pet reg. both can be seen.
My name is Chris and recently I had a litter of 11 Weimaraner puppies.
Michaelene Breeder & Owner . I am a breeder, owner and do rescue. Raising Quality dobermans. I raise all colors. All AKC registered.
Pretty Girl is 3 1/2 months old. English Cream golden doodle F1 Completely crate trained, 99 percent house trained. For sale, crate, blankie, toys and her bowls…
AKC French Bulldog STUD Murphy is 8 years old. Has amazing temperament, and full of the frenchie personality. He has had NO health problems/ surgeries of any…
Have a teacup poodle female for sale she is a sweet little poodle.she is 9weeks old she is up to date on shots and deworm .....asking..600.00 dollar for her…
Tuskegee Dog Photographers
Tuskegee Dog Therapists