im trying to sell my puppy bulldog
With over 10 years of experience, we the Melvin Miller and Arlyn Hershberger families bring you some of the highest quality French Bulldog and Pug puppies in…
We are a small hobby breeder in eastern Ohio in the city of Toronto. Our Goldens are part of our family and we usually have 3-4 litters per year. Our beautiful…
Dog Lover all my life. I enjoy breeding as a hobby. I am interested in maintaining the quality of a breed as well as offering well socialized, healthy pups…
Our puppies are home raised around people. It provides optimal socialization.
I have been breeding Shelties since 1980. I have my adults checked for hips, eyes, vWD disorder. Puppies are available occasionally to approved homes. They…
Thank you for visiting our website. Rexon Bulldogs has been offering superior quality AKC English Bulldog puppies to loving owners since 2001. As responsible…
We are a family breeders of small breed puppies, home raised with Love
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