Sweet black female shiba inu. 4-5months as i been told very sweet and takes well to family pets and people. she is crate train and very energetic. not registered…
Rescued a pregnant boxer and now have 8 AP registered puppies for sale. $300 each. Ready July 18.
I am a small breeder located in central Kansas. All of my puppies are farm raised. I raise a couple of litter each year. My puppies are very spoiled with human…
BullMasiff 8 weeks old Male.. He is very friendly & great with kids!!! Asking $200 obo!! Let me know if your interested?
We have been in business for about 4 years now. We have 2 adult dogs. If you would like any more info on our organization, please feel free to check out our…
Do not respond to dogue de Bordeaux add with puppies for $250 its a scam
Show/breeder home of quality AKC Champion and Champion lined "Pugs".
We are a small Cane Corso breeder located on 7 acres and register our dogs with the ICCF registry. All of our dogs have excellent temperaments and are raised…
Valley Center Dog Kennels
Valley Center Dog Dog Walkers
Valley Center Dog Groomers
Valley Center Dog Photographers
Valley Center Dog Therapists
Valley Center Dog Rescues
Valley Center Dog Trainers
Valley Center Dog Veterinarians