Breeder/handler ten years experience.
I am a breeder. I been breeding over 10 years.
He is 7 month going on 8 month. He is blue nose. He has good pedigree. He has good bloodline. He is blue and white. I just move to Connecticut. Where I live…
I have rescued a couple Pit-bulls and I am looking for good homes for them both.
We have been breeding for 12 years and we give our puppies for affordable prices
We are a small family breeder with both parents of the puppies on the premises. The puppies are raised with lots of love in our living room and a whelping box…
I breed beautiful first generation puppies. Mom is a purebred Havanese. Dad is a purebred parti poodle. Please see my facebook page, the family dog breeder…
i am called mark obrien, and i am willing to sell my puppies asap. thanks
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