I own two adult silky terriers. Both dogs have champion lines in their pedigrees. I have been raising and breeding animals for 50 years. I have been breeding…
Say hello to Ellie! Bullmastiffs are a great family dog and this little girl fits right in. She loves to play with the kids and go on adventures, but she also…
We have a beautiful litters of Servals and F1 to F3 Savannah kittens. They are ready to go now. They have been well socialized. Bottle fed from the second…
Amazing family raised Olde English Bulldogges.
Location: Anaheim CA 4 male puppies 8 weeks old. golden to cream color. Both Sire and Dam live on the premises, pups have been raised indoors since birth.…
We are family owned and operated and we take pride in raising our puppies happy and healthy. All puppies are guaranteed to be healthy, full of companionship…
We are family owned and operated and we take pride in raising our puppies happy and healthy. All puppies are guaranteed to be healthy, full of companionship…