I have had Schnauzers for 32 years aamd have loved his breed all my life so I started my professional business two years ago. Started having puppies this year…
standard poodles males and females 600.00 for males and700.00 for females
male yorkie that i want to sell. 1 years of age and has had all of his shots. wanting to sale for $400
Now taking deposits! AKC English Bulldog pups are 6 weeks old. They will come with 6 & 9 week shots, full akc registration, dewormed, vet checked, and a puppy…
We are not a breeder. We are in search of a good home for our dog.
We are absolutely dog lovers. Our animals are house trained. Temperament means everything to us. We produce show quality dogs and they know it.
Walterboro Dog Therapists
Walterboro Dog Trainers