We breed black and tan healthy and beautiful, ACA full pedigree pups. We are here full time to assist you with the adoption. You will meet our moms and dads…
Our puppies are raised in a active loving family environment. In the state of New Jersey one mile from Philadelphia.
This is the 2nd litter from Athena and Thor. Owners of puppies from 1st litter are very satisfied with their new additions to their families. I ensure that…
40 years in breeding, 20 years in the breed
Sire (Dad) and Dam (Mom) are both our family pets and are able to meet with anyone interested in the puppies. We have 4 poodle puppies born June 15, 2017, 3…
Private part time home hobby breeder who has limited litters available and selectively breeds for health, structure and tempermant. Puppies are family raised…
Cute pitbull pups razor edge bloodline,born on 2/2/013 I am accepting deposit into 8weeks of age.pups are coming with full set of shots,dewormed vet approved…