Dog Services in Wernersville, Pennsylvania

Dog Services in Wernersville, PA

Tobyhanna, PA (86 mi)

After owning chihuahuas for over 20 years, I started breeding. Raise at home with children and other pets.

Primary Business
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Any Day of the Week
Pennsuaken, NJ (87 mi)

I have beautiful blue pitbulls, they are very good with kids, very smart ,have blue eyes and brindle in color, Great guard dogs.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Pit Bull Terrier
Harding, PA (87 mi)

We raise healthy, playful, mischievous and happy PWD puppies on a diet of exercise, fun and love, all in the country sunshine. With our mix of European and…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Portuguese Water Dog
$3400.00 / Stud Fee Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Towson, MD (87 mi)

I'm currently looking for a tea cup yorkie for my beautiful girlfriend for valentine's day. She's been asking me for one for a while now. I just wanted to bring…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Harding, PA (87 mi)

SEA DOG KENNELS We raise healthy, playful, mischievous and happy PWD puppies on a diet of exercise, fun and love, all in the country sunshine. With our…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Portuguese Podengo
Any Day of the Week
Mcsherrystown, PA (87 mi)

Raised in our home, around children in a loving environment. Been in the breeding business for over 10 years.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$850.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Camden, NJ (87 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Middle River, MD (87 mi)

Jay and I decided to breed our decidedly exceptional standard poodle, Lady Luna Winsome Belle to an extremely handsome and sweet yellow Labrador named Sam.…

Primary Business
Primary Breed