I am a dog lover and I have owned dogs all my life. I believe they should be a part of the family.
Hes a great puppy but we r not quite ready for him. need it gone asap
chiuahuah female puppy she is very loving with kids and dogs!!! 15 weeks old she is about 1 lb. right now will be small!!!!
Show/breeder home of quality AKC Champion and Champion lined "Pugs".
American Kennel Club. Loving, clean, caring home
I'm very interested in this puppy you have!!!
Wichita Dog Kennels
Wichita Dog Dog Walkers
Wichita Dog Groomers
Wichita Dog Photographers
Wichita Dog Therapists
Wichita Dog Rescues
Wichita Dog Trainers
Wichita Dog Veterinarians