good breeding specialist in texas
hey, my name is jacob. Me and my girlfriend own a puppy puggle. Her name is Dixie and she is a female. She is about 9 weeks old. I have a long list of all…
I have a black Pomeranian mix dog. His name is Blacky. He is 4 years old. He is very healthy. He is potty train. He is great for kids. He is a medium size puppy…
I have full blooded Saint Bernard puppies they are going to be very big dogs I have 6 female 850 and 3 male 800,they will be ready 4-2-2014 I'm taking deposit…
I am looking for miniature daschunds.
We raise English Setter bird dogs
We raise our dogs as families members. They are excellent with kids and exceptional guard dogs.
Beginner at breeding dogs, but expert at spoiling them
Winchester Dog Therapists