New owner of a 6month old st. Bernard papers and first shots. Changes in life makes it difficult to keep him bought him for 2000.00 selling him for 800.00
chihuahua puppies sell two ready to take home, is a female and male. interested please send text 603 943-1788
Hii my name is niki . Breeding has been in my family for years but i am new to selling the pups . i am currently breeding pomskies i have been working with…
NY Breeder is passionate about pets. We have the finest homebed puppies in Westchester NY & offer free dog training for life. LIC. 918
We have been breeding family Parsons for 20 years and before that I have had experience with boder collies. We have raised and trained the Pasron and know…
looking to add a Golden doodle to our family.
Here At Blue Passion Kennels We Produce Highly Intelligent, Show Perfection Quality, And Performance Beyond Compare!!! We Have Tons Of References From Veterinarians…