I am looking for a male boxer puppy. We love boxers and are looking forward to getting one.We currently have one and we think that are wonderful.
Small breeder of one litter a year. Aim for pieds. AKC registered . Aim to breed for great pets and the funniest breed ever.
Ckc registered health tested friendly toy poodle to stud
8 weeks old Beagle Puppies - free - need a good home.
I own 3 Basset Hound lovebugs. Two girls, Roxy & Ester, and our boy Pungo. All 3 of our Bassets are our house pets, that sleep with us at night. We enjoy sharing…
Im looking to buy 1 dalmatia puppy male or female for under $500.
I have a beautiful male American Eskimo Mini puppy for sale. The puppy is pure breed and champion blood. First set of shots and papers.
Small to medium sized AKC Shih-tzus raised in our loving home with cats & a large dog, Ask about our life-time welcome-home guarantee. Many Champion line/sired…
Windsor Dog Dog Walkers
Windsor Dog Therapists
Windsor Dog Veterinarians