100 % purebred chihuahua that have all shots.
Looking to rehome my 12 week male yorkshire puppy. His name is cris he weighs 1.2 lbs he is very lovavble and adorable. Loves to play and cuddle my rehoming…
Tittle: Pomeranian Puppies Description Lovely Pomeranian Puppies are being raised in a family home with other pets so will be friendly towards cats…
I have Cane Corso puppies for sale 6 weeks old available as soon as possible
Bark Avenue Puppies New Jersey's first puppy boutique specializing in toy and designer breeds, French, and Victorian bulldogs
We are 100% committed to providing well trained puppies.
Our Vision: Our business began with a simple concept.To redefine our industry by setting new standards and daring to do what was thought to be impossible…
I have been training dogs and competing for over 38 years. I've also trained 5 dogs for the NYS Trooper Canine program, and they have excelled in their work…