I have bred wheaten's for many years. This is my first time with my whoodle. We have 7 puppies born November 2. 4 boys are black and 3 girls are brown. …
Hello! I am a mom of three who works part time and have just had my second litter of puppies. My golden just turned four years old and enjoys being a mama dog…
We breed and sell premium minature Aussiepoo's sand Aussiedoodles
I have over 20 year experience as a breeder, of American Golden Retrievers and English Cream Golden Retrievers. We raise our puppies and adult Golden’s to…
As a vet tech. I breed healthy and sound temperament dogs. Our dogs are OFA certified and come with a lifetime guarantee. We treat our dogs and puppy's as our…
Mama blue nose father red nose pit bulls
im selling/giving away a Chihuahua. her name is Bambi and she's 9 years old
Ypsilanti Dog Therapists