We have over 15 years of experience. Bulldogs are our Specialty! Puppies live IN our home. No kennels. Many references available, including two Vet references…
My name is Stacy Browne and I was wanting a male puppy. I have a 7 month old son that loves dogs. I also have 2 other dogs a male lab and a female pitt bull…
First liter. Owner of both parents. AKC registered parents and puppies. 4 males and 3 females left. 10 weeks old.
dobermans for sale 4 left
hi my name is tiffany and i was really interested in your dog and i was wondering if you would please email me back because my family really wants a dog and…
We raise M'Loot Malamutes, which are the true Giant breed of Malamute. Our males average above 170 lbs and our females average above 150 lbs. They are extremely…
We sell best quality dogs to approved homes
Ypsilanti Dog Therapists