This pup was bought in s. Ohio from an Amish family.
I have 4 puppies for sale females are $400 males 300 shots and wormed 517-750-8042
We own the female she is a Lhasa apso and poodle mix my daughter owns the male Luca is a Brussels griffon/Maltese which the breed is called a brussel sprout…
All of our pups are home raised right in our house. I am retired so that gives me all the time in the world to give each pup the most loving possible.
Breeding Rottweiler's since 2000
I am not a breeder. I am just looking for a pet took take away the void we have from losing our Akita
Breeding quality beagles for 20 years.
My great danes are OFA tested and certified for cardio, hips, elbows, eyes and thyroid before breeding. Even with all of the testing there is never a 100…
Ypsilanti Dog Therapists