I am a small breeder of healthy puppies which I occasionally have. All pups are raised in my home and well socialized with kids, cats and other dogs.
I am a 21 (almost 22) year old female that attends Central Michigan University part time and works part time (very flexible hours). I am looking to adopt a…
We have just began to breed newfs as our new kennel has had its first litter. We will give u the strait facts about our kennel no hidden agenda
We strive to breed quality healthy Great Danes. They are raised an a 10 acre farm and are apart of our family daily lives being handled through out the day…
Both my Husband and I love Animals. We have falling in love with Old English Bulldogs. They are alot healthier breed of bulldog they DO NOT have breathing problems…
all puppies are raised with love. And to go inside homes only. All taught to go in and out doggy doors to bathroom.
I have a black and white block head/gotti pit bull. He is a fun loving family pet. He is great with children and smaller dog breeds. I also own a bug (pug,…
Ypsilanti Dog Therapists