Small home based kennels specializing in English Bulldogs
Small time in home breeder . I own all of my fur babies.. I just want to share the joy and Love of Toy Poodles..I have also added Pomeranians to my program…
We a livestock (goats) family dabbing into the canine world. We have several dogs that roam our farm. We are excited about this new endeavor.
Just a country girl that adores the puppy love !
Adorable Minature Goldendoodles/English Cream Teddy Bear We are expecting puppies Nov 2011. Both F1 & F1b's. We are taking deposits for them now. Puppies…
We are an AKC Inspected and approved kennel. Parents are 2x International national champions all European champion lines. 26 month written health and hip guar…
25 years of breeding experience.
We are expecting a litter of AKC Golden Retriever puppies. Both parents are on site. Puppies are raised indoors and are socialized daily. I take pride in raising…