Purebred Poodle Puppies 6-8lbs Fully Grown

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Red Mixed Toy Poodle

Morgantown, WV
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Energetic, Loving, Smart, Playful, Intelligent, Cute, Adorable, Social, Loyal, Family Dog, House Trained, Potty Trained, Trained, Trainable, Healthy, Up to Date Shots, Purebred, Toy
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We Breed With Our Hearts
1 male 3 females left
Puppies are ready or their new homes next month!
They look like little teddy bears.
The perfect purfect gift to start your year with
Our puppies are hypo-allergenic, healthy, energetic, playful, sweet, extremely cute, very social, and love people.

They were born and raised in a very clean and happy environment. Both parents are purebred and family members and they live with us.

Our Mission At visit our website our mission is to provide our clients with healthy, happy, and well-socialized puppies. visit our website visit our website We never engage in inbreeding and only source our puppies from reputable breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their animals. By breeding small, healthy, and attractive parent dogs, we are able to produce tiny, adorable, and healthy puppies that are affordable for our clients.

Avoid Scams and Fraud - Potential areas of fraud: wire transfer, moneygrams, money orders, cashier checks, shipping, escrow, "transaction protection", "guarantee". Check out the Buyer Safety section for more info.



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