Health Tested Gorgeous Golden Retriever Puppies

Mixed Golden Retriever

Gwynn Oak,Md, MD
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Energetic, Loving, Smart, Playful, Intelligent, Cute, Adorable, Social, Loyal, Family Dog, House Trained, Potty Trained, Trained, Trainable, AKC, Healthy, Up to Date Shots, Pure Bred, Purebred
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Welcome to our little of gorgeous golden retriever puppies
Mum and babies are doing amazing and we have had 4 beautiful pups born on the 20th Jan and are ready for their forever home now all pups will be fully weaned before going home and learning to use puppy pads

Mum and dad are fully health tested
Mums scores
Hips 7/5=12, elbows 0/0‎ = 0
PRA 1&2 clear

Dads score
Hips 5/4=9, elbows 0/0‎ = 0
PRA 1&2 clear, eye tested clear

Mum is our family pet, with the best temperament and is 4 years old

All pups will leave with 5 week kennel club insurance, microchipped a bag of food, a toy, treats and a lifetime of support.

Selling these beautiful babies Well trained and vaccinated. Comes with all paperwork and shipping.

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