Chihuahua Pup, Female, Long Haired. (Yellow)

Chihuahua Pup, Female, Long Haired

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Light Brown Female Chihuahua

Rockford, IL
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Energetic, Loving, Smart, Playful, Intelligent, Cute, Adorable, Social, Loyal, Family Dog, Trainable, Healthy, Up to Date Shots, Pure Bred, Purebred, Toy
Additional Comments

Yellow, Female pup:

She was born on 11/07/2022 and is available to go to her new home now.
She is brown/tan and black.
She is a long haired puppy.
She is $400.00.
This puppy is not registered.
Both parents are on the premises.
Dad is mostly black with very little white on him. He is long haired.
Mom is dark tan with white markings. She is short haired.
The puppy has her first 2 sets of shots and has been dewormed.

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