Standard Australian Shepherd Puppy. Healthy, Happy, and Adorable.

Standard Australian Shepherd Puppy Healthy, Happy, and Adorable

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Male Australian Shepherd

Bethany, CT
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Wynter Thyme Manor
Kid Friendly, Friendly, Energetic, Loving, Smart, Intelligent, Cute, Adorable, Social, Family Dog, Trainable, AKC, Up to Date Shots, Pure Bred, Purebred, Agility, Herding
Additional Comments

Andrew was born on March 18th 2023. He is a healthy, curious registered red tri male. His parents have both been genetically tested and have been DNA-VP. Please contact me if you would like to give Andrew a forever home.

Wynter Thyme Manor

We breed train love and raise Standard Australian shepherds. We are a reputable breeder who is registered with AKC, ASCA and ASDR. Our beautiful dogs are all genetically tested and DNA-VP. Our website will show all our dogs and their test results. We are looking forward to producing the furfect puppy for you. Melissa and the aussie gang.

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Pedigree for Andrew

  Male Golden Retriever
Scroll to view entire Pedigree
Milo of Ben's Major
Golden Retriever (#SA-227305)
Ben's Major of Sun Dance
Golden Retriever (#S-895008)
Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud
Golden Retriever (#S-751387)
Sidram Shady Lady
Golden Retriever (#S-649122)
Sidran Taffy of Golden Crest
Golden Retriever (#SA-146478)
Sidram Simon
Golden Retriever (#SA- 98663)
Sidram Kapering Korky
Golden Retriever (#S-787303)
Double-J Kim
Golden Retriever (#SA-934940)
Beckwith's Auburn Aristocrat
Golden Retriever
Beckwith's Copper Coin
Golden Retriever (#SA- 76391)
Indian Knoll's Kimberley
Golden Retriever
Golden Babe
Golden Retriever
Barktone of Gold **
Golden Retriever
Lady Bird Red
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever Pedigrees provided by

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