Quaility Italian Greyhound

Black Male Italian Greyhound

Babson Park, FL
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Loving, Smart, Playful, Intelligent, Cute, Adorable, Social, Loyal, Family Dog, AKC, Healthy, Up to Date Shots, Agility, Toy
Additional Comments

SIX puppies born Feb 2nd 2025. Out of this litter, two seal/white males remain. They will be ready to go home March 29/30th. Located in Central Florida. Photo shown was taken/updated 3/18/25 at 5 weeks of age. For photos of the other boy, feel free to call or email me our email address

Sire & dams have loving and sweet personalities and you would be hardpressed to find better championship bloodlines.  Stud's 5 generation pedigree reflects 43 AKC Registered Champions and female starts at 51 Champions.

Stud's 5 generation pedigree reflects 43 AKC Registered Champions and female reflects 51 Champions. My adults are all within AKC conformation guidelines (weight/height/coat) . visit our website I have raised quality IGs for years and have never once had reported health problems of any type. I pride myself in the quality of puppies produced and strive to keep in contact with puppy owners to see the development as they reach adulthood.

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