Max - the Healthy Mini Schauzer Puppy

Max the Healthy Mini Schauzer Puppy

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Male Miniature Schnauzer

Forest, VA
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Loving, Playful, Family Dog, House Trained, Potty Trained, Trainable, AKC, Up to Date Shots
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For more information Call or Text: +1 (817) 818-2960

These babies are being lovingly raised and cared for with no expense spared, pups will have had three full health assessment prior to collection, first will be at four weeks and a precautionary Parvo vaccination will be given. Then at seven weeks we will give then there first vaccination and the second vaccination will be given at ten weeks. Our pups never leave us until fully vaccinated, ready to collect We have wormed them from two weeks of age with panacur 10% and at eight week will be given advocate, which covers them for four weeks, for worms, fleas and ear mites.

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