Golden Retriever Puppy

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Mixed Golden Retriever

Vacaville, CA
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Energetic, Smart, Playful, Intelligent, Social, Loyal, Family Dog, Potty Trained, Trainable, AKC, Up to Date Shots, Pure Bred
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Hey There, My name is Hope! I am a very cute male Golden Retriever puppy! I was born on February 1st, 2024. I am such a sweet and loveable boy! I am looking for my new family, could that be with you? If you choose me I will come home to you vet checked and microchipped. My mom weighs 60 pounds. If you think that I would make the perfect addition to your family, then please call or text to find out more information about me! for more info call or text 909) ✖️ 818 - ✖️ 3549

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