AKC Female Rottweiler Puppy

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Black and Tan Female Rottweiler

Hollywood, FL
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Rottweiler Syndicate
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Energetic, Loving, Smart, Playful, Intelligent, Cute, Adorable, Social, Loyal, Family Dog, House Trained, Trained, Trainable, AKC, Healthy, Up to Date Shots, Pure Bred, Purebred, Hunting, Agility, Herding
Additional Comments

Undeniably Sweet Spirited Female Pup, our hands on approach to whelping gives us true insight into a pups inherent nature. Yes, we breed with a purpose so there are base personality traits that makes a Rottweiler a Rottweiler but the individual personalities above those are as unique as humans. This girl is a sweetheart, not the type to back down but affectionate and attentive. Adventurous, as you will find with many Female Rottweilers. I expect her to be easily trained by experienced owners or trainers.

Rottweiler Syndicate

Here at RottweilerSyndicate we operate on the premise that a strong loving enviornment at the earliest possible point, produces the strongest human animal bond. Our dogs live in our home and are members of our immediate family. Pups enjoy human interaction from birth and also live indoors in a temperature controlled room. This provides early socialization and the foundation of personality traits. We produce a limited number of litters per year, ensuring each pup receives the personal attention required to create a dog who is not only the pride of his family but an asset to it's community.

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