Parents Embarked Health Clear

Ad 1 of 2,813

Parti-Colored Male Pomeranian

Lisle, IL
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Energetic, Loving, Smart, Playful, Intelligent, Cute, Adorable, Social, Loyal, Family Dog, Trainable, Healthy, Up to Date Shots, Pure Bred, Purebred, Designer, Agility, Toy
Additional Comments

This unique Piebald Parti Pom is Extreme White with Red/Sable fur on his body, head, and base of his tail. Gorgeous boy with a FACE that is as cute as they get and a beautiful coat. His Sire and Dam are EMBARK HEALTH TESTED and are health clear and 100 percent Pomeranian. Date of Birth: 05-16-2024.

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