The Dam Zero is a champagne female 3/4 American 1/4 English. The Sire Patriot is a long hair champagne English male. There are 11 pups in the litter. We have 2 girls available for $500 each. The pups are ready to go home.
All Lab puppies come with AKC limited registration, 25 month from whelp day guarantee, microchip, puppy food, a toy, a blanket with mom's scent, vaccines and de worming current, a month's supply of NuVet Plus and NuJoint Plus DS vitamins along with lots of love and puppy kisses.... (read more)
Hatz-Off-Labradors, strives to breed Labradors that are geneticlly sound, with good minds, great temperaments, and versatility. Hatz-Off-Labradors was established in 1998. We are a home based kennel, small in stature, yet large in integrity. My puppies are hand raised, in a loving home. They are well socialized, having interacted with my children since time of whelping. Whether you are intersted in a wonderful pup or a handsome Sire for your liter we have it all.
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