Donkey currently weighs 14 onces. He is charting 3 1/2 pounds. He has white stripe on his chest and white on the very tips of his toes. Both mom and dad are on site and both are just under 5 lbs. They carry choclate, dilute,orange,mom is white and black parti. Dad is orange.moms line has been know to produce lavender also. Donkey will be a great size for breeding. Price is for Full AkC rights. He will come vet checked, first shots and wormed. Papers available at time of pick up as well as a starter care package.... (read more)
AKC home breeder with 25 years experience. My dogs are DNA tested with embark with all breeders clear of hereditary defects. We keep are number of litters to less than 5 per year. Prices are lower than your average because I don't like to pay extreme prices myself and those in A slightly lower bracket deserve to be able to own and love poms also. Poms are a labor of love for me. I am located in Oakland city Indiana 47660.... (read more)
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