Male Chiweenie 11 Weeks Old

Blenheim Male Chiweenie

Englewood, FL
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly, Friendly, Loving, Smart, Playful, Adorable, Social, Trainable, Healthy, Up to Date Shots
Additional Comments

A little pup with a heart of gold 11 weeks old
Parents: Mother 11# Chiweenie - Father 6.5# Long Hair Chihuahua
Smooth Coated
Charting adult weight 8+#
Birth weight 4.8 oz.
READY for a Loving Home!

Home style breeders of Chihuahua and Chiweenies

Avoid Scams and Fraud - Potential areas of fraud: wire transfer, moneygrams, money orders, cashier checks, shipping, escrow, "transaction protection", "guarantee". Check out the Buyer Safety section for more info.



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