Oliver is a beautiful, Bichon. He will be around 10-15 pounds full grown. Bichon are extremely loyal to their owners and ready to please. Oliver loves…
SOLDPumpkin is a sweet little female Cavapoo puppy. She is a darling little girl and loves to cuddle. All our puppies are up to date on their shots and dewormings…
SOLDRalph is a magnificent little male Cava-Tzu puppy. He is such an adorable cuddler and loves to meet new people. All our puppies are up to date on their…
SOLDI have 1 AKC Dalmatian pup left, Male. He was born on 9/10/2022. He comes with registration papers, full breeding rights, 1st set of shots and deworming…
SOLDBasil is an attractive little female AKC Poodle puppy. She’s gorgeous and has such a friendly personality. All our puppies are up to date on their shots…
SOLDFluffy, Shinny and Silky hair Maltese / Shih Tzu Puppies are ready to come home with you! We breed Them in SoCal California, mom and dad weigh about 8…
SOLDFluffy, Shinny, Curly and Silky hair Unique Apricot Toy Poodle Puppies are ready to come home with you! We breed Them in SoCal California, mom and dad…
SOLDKirby is a gorgeous female Malti-Chon puppy. She has such a special personality and really loves meeting new people. All our puppies are up to date on…