Hamilton is a sweet little boy! He will probably get in between 85-100lbs. He was born June 13th 2022. He is so adorable.... Interested in seeing more…
SOLDThis is a male white and tan Rat Terrier. This color is harder to find since most breeders do not have them. He will be approx 12-14lbs. Rat Terriers have…
SOLDWe're rehoming a healthy male husky puppy born on 6/16. He has had his 6 week and 10 week vaccinations. Please feel free to contact us if you have any…
SOLDWould you just look at these little bundles of joy!!! They are all three males and come from a black mother and a gray father which both have color in…
SOLDFudge is a F1B Bernedoodle, he is a brown and white spunky little boy. Family raised, ready for their forever home after September 16, 2022. Will leave…
SOLDHershey is a F1B Bernedoodle, she is a brown and white spunky little girl. Family raised, ready for their forever home after September 16, 2022. Will…
SOLDCannoli is a F1B Bernedoodle, she is a tan and white spunky little girl. Family raised, ready for their forever home after September 16, 2022. Will leave…
SOLDButterscotch is a F1B Bernedoodle, he is a tan and white spunky little boy. Family raised, ready for their forever home after September 16, 2022. Will…