He will be able to go home 1/27/2022
SOLDDestiny is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is ready for pick up now. She is black in color with a few white spots. She will come…
SOLDWe have a brand new litter of CKC Australian Shepherd puppies! Puppies were born January 3rd and will be ready to go to their new homes beginning of March…
SOLDTODAY ONLY CHRISTMAS DAY SPECIAL. We want this guy to find his forever home for Christmas. Hello, meet Toby... he is up to date on all of his shots…
SOLDTODAY ONLY CHRISTMAS DAY SPECIAL. We want this girl to find her forever home for Christmas. Hello, meet Maggie... she is up to date on all of her shots…
SOLDMiniature Schnauzer -CKC Purebreds 4 females and 2 males. Puppies are docked and declawed. They will be given their first shot, dewormed, come with registration…
SOLDSnowDogs of The Great Lakes AKC Siberian Huskies Puppy: Blizzard Birthdate: 9/16/2021 Color: white Eyes: bi-eyes Coat: smooth coat Pure bred…
SOLDText or call 336-930-4315xxx. Gorgeous F1B Goldendoodle puppies. DOB: 10/9/21. Parents are genetically health tested and clear. Dad is also OFA & CHIC…