Buddy is the sweetest Boston Terrier puppy. Buddy enjoys being outside and playing with the other pups. He is great while giving her baths and loves attention…
SOLDFreddy is a cleverred/white male TCavapoo puppy. Freddy always wants to be on your lap and loves cuddles. He loves his treats and plays with his toys.…
SOLD2 month old female Goldador, she is a golden retriever mixed with a Labrador, she is very friendly, very playful, loving and smart
SOLD2month old a Goldador, she is a golden retriever mixed with a Labrador. she is playful, friendly, smart and she love to cuddle,
SOLDThese babies were born on April 26th and are just gorgeous. They are MINI GOLDENDOODLES. Mom is a 40lb goldendoodle and dad is a 12lb mini poodle. Their…
SOLDHart has it all! Energetic. Adorable. Cute as he can be! Handsome registered purebred Pomeranian. Pee-pad trained. Parents on site. Current on shots, de…
SOLDIsabella is a sweet little Mini Goldendoodle puppy. She is a fun puppy who loves to play and cuddle. She will make a great family pet! She has a warm personality…
SOLDFreya is a sweet little female Teddy Bear puppy. She is a lovely little gal and has such a gentle, kind personality. Freya will greet you right at the…