Holly is a beautiful blue merle Lhasapoo puppy. She Loves to run, play and cuddle! He is extremely soft and cuddly. We love to have our puppies playing…
SOLDMia is the perfect CavaPoo pup for your home! She would make a great addition to any family. Mia loves attention and loves giving kisses all over. Mia…
SOLDSamantha is a clever little female ACA Pomeranian puppy. She is so gentle and sweet but loves to play! She is a Spunky Little girl who loves affection…
SOLDJinx is a stunning Tri male {REGISTRY} Malshi puppy. He Loves to run, play and cuddle! He does great with the other puppies and kids. Jinx is super charming…
SOLDLocated in Cassatt SC . Ready March 8th. Dad is Akc registered mom is dna tested through embark . Can hold pup of choice for $200 down rest due on pick…
SOLDLocated in Cassatt SC . Ready March 8th. Dad is Akc registered mom is dna tested through embark . Can hold pup of choice for $200 down rest due on pick…
SOLDMy name is Phoenix, I am the daughter of Desiree Rilea and Grim Reaper! There are more pictures and video on my mama's page. visit our website
SOLDMy name is Dottie...I am the daughter of Desiree Rilea and Grim Reaper! There are more pictures and video on my mama's page. I am a big beautiful baby…