Diva is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for her forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDChunks is one of 10 puppies.He is very loving and playful. He loves to cuddle and is ready for his forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDYang is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for his forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDWe have Beautiful Female Pugs ready 7/4. UTD on shots and worming when ready for furever home.
SOLDThis is a small cream/chocolate line girl,.. she is special, specially priced too. I am picky about the home she will go to. She has 3 legs. The mommy…
SOLDHe is a super sweet little guy! He would make an awesome lap baby for the right person!He is white with fawn/red markings and milk chocolate.He has a …
SOLDWe have Beautiful Female and male Shihtzu ready 7/2. UTD on shots and worming when ready for furever home.Pet Price
SOLDYogi is also a male puppy in the litter of 5. He is the firstborn, the group leader, he is very affectionate and will give you loads of kisses. This designer…