Bailey is a wonderful Female Goldendoodle puppy. She has such a soft coat and loves to be brushed and groomed. We love to have our puppies playing, socializing…
SOLD10 weeks old. AKC registered. Tails docked. Microchipped. Mom and Dad both on site. Looking for forever home. Re-homing fees apply. Email, text…
SOLDWe have both male and female cane corso puppies available the have all their full shots and will be coming alongside with registered papers
SOLDLily loves to run around and play, and She loves belly scratches. She is a such sweet and gentle puppy that brings a smile to everyones face. We love to…
SOLDIntroducing Sandy, the delightful female Cream and White Poochon, a captivating blend of charm, intelligence, and a zest for life. Sandy is a beloved companion…
SOLDIntroducing Vince, the charming male Cream and White Shih Tzu, a delightful blend of elegance, affection, and spirited energy. Vince is a beloved companion…
SOLDThe Zuchon/Shichon might look like a teddy bear, but it is definitely all dog - a cross between a Bichon Frise and a Shih-Tzu, to be precise. This friendly…
SOLDMia, the playful and adventurous Shiba Inu puppy, is a natural toy enthusiast. Whether it's a squeaky ball or a plush stuffed animal, Mia is always ready…