Victor loves to play with his brothers and other puppies! He is very fun and loving, he also likes to curl up on someones lap. Victor also loves to give…
SOLDAdorable Blue Merle male pup with blue eyes! Her birthday is 1/27/23 and she will be ready for her new home after March 24th. Charting weight is 4lbs fully…
SOLDI have a beautiful female Maltipoo. She has had her first and second shot, wormed, declawed. She is very playful, and loving. She will be ready for her…
SOLDMy name is Rilea I am the daughter of Desiree Rilea and Grim Reaper! There are more pictures and video on my mama's page. visit our website
SOLDThese are toy schnoodles, 10 weeks old and ready for their forever homes. Raised in our homes so they are very well socialized with other dogs and children…
SOLDThese are toy schnoodles, 10 weeks old and ready for their forever homes. Raised in our homes so they are very well socialized with other dogs and children…
SOLDThese are toy schnoodles, 10 weeks old and ready for their forever homes. Raised in our homes so they are very well socialized with other dogs and children…
SOLDThe American Eskimo is bright, eager to please, lively, and fun loving—in short, an enjoyable and generally obedient companion. True to this dog’s spitz…