Eason is an English Import from Ukraine. He is a big love bug with numerous confirmation champions in his pedigree. He's my happy boy in the morning and…
$2,600We have 1 Blue Pie Male ready to go home now $2500. He may carry cream and fluffy. For Information on the Frenchie's please call
$2,500We have a beautiful purebred English cream golden retriever puppy. He was our pick of the litter and we planned to keep him but due to a move we are not…
$1,600Adorable healthy puppies. Please reach out for more info. They will be ready the weekend of November 23rd. We are located in East Tennessee.
$750I have one beige female and 1 black and white male. Puppies are 7 weeks old dew claws re moved, tails docked, first shots and groomed. Puppies are ready…
$1,000Beautiful rich color AKC Doberman puppies. Black and tan male and females. Red and rust males and female. Parents on site. vwd clear. Now accepting nonrefundable…
$1,000Very cute, social and lovely male and female Cavalier King Charles Puppies are here! These puppies make excellent companions, are well socialized in family…
$950adorable Gloden retiever puppy so gentle and affectionate...this is a great breed for families with children.they are very easy to train and eager to please…