We were recently blessed with a beautiful litter of puppies. These sweet babies were born 2/27/22, 7 males and 4 females. Currently I have only males available…
SOLDAuggie available 3/12 for a furever home. UTD on shots and worming.
SOLDWe have the smallest, cutest, best-looking, top-quality puppies in the world. Home-raised, well socialized, potty trained, healthy, puppies that will make…
SOLDBeautiful American Eskimo miniature There's 1 male small miniature, mom and dad are legitimize american Eskimo breed, exactly you see on pictures…
SOLDBeautiful Boston Terrier ready 1/26 for a furever home. Will have current Vaccination and worming done.
SOLDHere’s Cupid! Beautiful, symmetrical tri color face. He has tan on his cheeks, eyebrows under his ears and tail. As his hair grows, so will the black coloring…
SOLDBeautiful Cavapoo ready 1/6. UTD on shots and worming when ready for furever home. For more information 912$5$9$2$8541
SOLDThis is Madi and Callie, and they are about 24 weeks old! They are both AKC registered as well. We are willing to sell them separately but would prefer…