Male and Female poodle puppies. We have 3 females and 2 males looking to go to a loving and forever homes. They will be Flead, Wormed. These puppies…
$500Ad updated Jan 14th. Located in Monon, IN near Indiana Beach. = = Female adult Mini Goldendoodle. She is the short leg variety. Smooth coat. 20 to…
$25It's with a heavy heart that we're looking for a loving new home for our beautiful 4.5-month-old female Mini Goldendoodle puppy. Our initial plan was for…
$450The little princess of the litter , Ruby is elegant , sweet , and playful . She’s always the center of attention and charms everyone with her radiant personality…
$1,500Poodles are very intelligent, easily trained, and can be excellent therapy pets. These puppies are deep red and will range from 11-13 lbs. Tabasco, dad…
SOLDAKC Mini Poodle, born July 13, 2023 (12 weeks old), up to date on shots and deworming, vet checked, dew claws removed, tails docked, accustomed to other…
SOLDDOB: 12/4/2023. Dad is 11 inches 11 lbs. Mom is 15 inches 16 lbs. Puppies charting to be between 11-14 lbs. No dilution genes and high intensity with both…
SOLDvLeela is a cute little female ACA Poodle puppy. Her coat is absolutely gorgeous and she has a personality to match! We love to have our puppies playing…