Meet Gweneth! She is a purebred, AKC, registered golden retriever puppy. She is one of three females in her sweet litter of six puppies. She is very social…
SOLD2 month old female Goldador, she is a golden retriever mixed with a Labrador, she is very friendly, very playful, loving and smart
SOLDThese babies were born on April 26th and are just gorgeous. They are MINI GOLDENDOODLES. Mom is a 40lb goldendoodle and dad is a 12lb mini poodle. Their…
SOLDIsabella is a sweet little Mini Goldendoodle puppy. She is a fun puppy who loves to play and cuddle. She will make a great family pet! She has a warm personality…
SOLDMolly is a sweet and cute, female, Mini Goldendoodle. She would love to become part of your family!! Goldendoodle puppies make great pets, are fun to play…
SOLDCandy is a sweet little female Goldendoodle puppy. She is an amazing puppy and loves to play with people and the other pups. We love to have our puppies…
SOLDCharm is a Sweet and kind Red female F1B Goldendoodle puppy. She is such an affectionate and playful puppy with a great balance of energy. We love to have…
SOLDElizabeth is a darling little female Goldendoodle puppy. Elizabeth loves to give kisses and cuddle. She is super soft and very gentle with kids. We love…