Taking applications for these amazing deep red AKC puppies from OFA-certified parents. Dad is 11 inches and 11 lbs. Mom is 13 inches and 13 lbs. Puppies…
SOLDText or call 3369304315. Taking deposits to reserve a puppy. We have 3 male intense red miniature puppies not yet reserved. We will have more deep red…
SOLDSweet female looking to retire. Loves family. Spay contract will need to be in place. AKC. Traveling to Redding, CA from Western Nebraska. We can meet…
SOLDUno, the adorable and energetic Yochon puppy, is ready to fill your home with love and laughter. With his playful nature and wagging tail, Uno brings a…
SOLDNeo, the charming and lively Shipoo puppy, is a bundle of joy that will instantly capture your heart. With his playful nature and wagging tail, Neo brings…
SOLDCharlie, the adventurous and playful Teddy Bear puppy, has an unwavering passion for toys. His favorite time involves an array of toys strewn across the…
SOLDSmore, the adventurous and playful Teddy Bear puppy, has an unwavering passion for toys. His favorite time involves an array of toys strewn across the…
SOLDDOB: 12/4/2023. Dad is 11 inches 11 lbs. Mom is 15 inches 16 lbs. Puppies charting to be between 11-14 lbs. No dilution genes and high intensity with…