Lana is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is chocolate particolored. She is ready to go to a new home. She will come with her shots…
SOLDBlack tri male with hazel eyes. A real snuggler. only 6 of the 10 beautiful standard Australian Shepherd puppies remaining. We have 2 red tri pups,…
SOLDCarter is a very loving and playful puppy. He can be a handful sometimes, but he loves to play and adventure. He will have his first 2 sets of shots and…
SOLDShihpoo female ready 6/18 They’ll be updated on vaccination and wormed every 2 weeks. We have male and female available. They are socialized and very…
SOLDChloe is a sweet as pie, she is fun to be around and is always wagging her little tail. She had had her first 2 sets of shots and is ready to meet ger…
SOLDADORABLE female Bichon Frise puppy available and ready to meet her new furever family this week! She has had her first 2 set of shots and complete vet…
SOLDADORABLE female Bichon Frise puppy available and ready to meet her new furever family this week! She has had her first 2 sets of shots and complete vet…
SOLDDani is a more laid back shy type of girl that would rather snuggle all day/ She is curious but doesn't like to stary to far from her family. She has had…