Meet Junie! She is a purebred, AKC, registered golden retriever puppy. She is one of three females in her sweet litter of six puppies. She is very social…
SOLDMeet Gweneth! She is a purebred, AKC, registered golden retriever puppy. She is one of three females in her sweet litter of six puppies. She is very social…
SOLDFreddy is a cleverred/white male TCavapoo puppy. Freddy always wants to be on your lap and loves cuddles. He loves his treats and plays with his toys.…
SOLDThese babies were born on April 26th and are just gorgeous. They are MINI GOLDENDOODLES. Mom is a 40lb goldendoodle and dad is a 12lb mini poodle. Their…
SOLDHart has it all! Energetic. Adorable. Cute as he can be! Handsome registered purebred Pomeranian. Pee-pad trained. Parents on site. Current on shots, de…
SOLDWilly is a sweet and loving little Pomeranian puppy. He is a fun puppy who loves to play and cuddle. He will make a great family pet! We love to have our…
SOLDAmber is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is a particolored. She is ready to go to a new home. She will come with her shots & worming…
SOLDPomimo generally have a bold and lively temperament. Their personality is much bigger than their diminutive size. They can act as alert watch dogs and…