8.5 week old standard female Blue Merle Tri Australian Shepherd. UTD on shots and wormer. Tail docked and dewclaws removed.
SOLDHi Aussiedoodles are the Einsteins of the dog world along with their agility makes them the perfect companion. He is a F1b aussiepoo ready to go. UTD…
SOLD2 males and 1 females available . Pups have white splashes on chest, chins, or toes. Most showing brown color hair under tail. Some are showing lighter…
SOLDLaney is a bold little girl who enjoys exploring wherever she can. She will make an excellent partner for all your adventures!
SOLDOne sweet boy left $900.00 he is so cute and very playful!
SOLDHi they are F2 cavapoos ready to go. They r utd on vaccinations/deworming. Doing great on potty training. Comes with records, Purina healthy puppy food…
SOLDHi they are F1b aussiepoos ready to go. They r utd on vaccinations/deworming. Doing great on potty training. Comes with records, Purina healthy puppy food…
SOLDHi they are F2 cavapoos ready this weekend. They r utd on vaccinations/deworming. Doing great on potty training. Comes with records, Purina healthy puppy…