Frenchie is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for her forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5…
SOLDYin is one of 10 puppies. He is very loving and playful. He loves to cuddle and is ready for his forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDBelle is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for her forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDChunks is one of 10 puppies.He is very loving and playful. He loves to cuddle and is ready for his forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDCalls preferred. our phone number This beautiful boy is full of energy and loves to play. I have begun calling him "Scout", but you can easily change his name…
SOLD"Sparkette" is full of energy and loves to play. She also happens to have a heart of gold. The puppies in this litter are from a sweet, normal-eyed,…
SOLDBugsy is all personality. He is extremely smart and is going to make a great dog. His parents are outstanding dogs. Both excel at blood trailing and have…
SOLDNALC Male born Nov 13,2023. He is out of two proven dogs. He comes with registration for NALC. He has all age appropriate shots is on a slow release wormer…