We have 3 beautiful Havanese with AKC available. They are 10 weeks old. 2 sessions of vaccines. We have 1 boy and 2 girls available for you to meet and…
$750Male and female Dachshund Puppies Ready for their new home. Our Puppies loves playing outside with their littermates and loves kisses, and is a cuddler…
$750Male and female English Bulldog Puppies Ready for their new home. Our Puppies loves playing outside with their littermates and loves kisses, and is a cuddler…
$750We have 2 Available male and female Tea Cup Yorkie Puppies Ready for their new home. Our Puppies loves playing outside with their littermates and loves…
$750Brook, is a little ball of energy. She loves playing with her litter mates and playing in the yard. She’s also so a cuddles and a kisser. Brook is up to…
$750Males and females available, house broken, vet checked and purebred. Ready for nee homes now
$800They are up to date on shots, vet checked, potty trained and ready to go now. Text 530 - 699 - 6546
$750Male and female Pug Puppies Ready for their new home. Our Puppies loves playing outside with their littermates and loves kisses, and is a cuddler. They…