Have a black male pug boy all vet checked and ready to go to new home. He is so cute and will make the most loving companion. Pups come with ACA pet pedigree…
SOLDEddy was born on May 20th 2022. He is very playful, loving. and very social. All of our dogs live with us in our home. We are an animal loving family who…
SOLDWe have a beautiful brindle female available, ready to go to her forever home March 26th. She will be CKC registered and come with first round of vaccinations…
SOLD3 months old. Playful pups. Had first vaccinations. Ready to go. Prices negotiable.
SOLD3 months old. Playful pups. Had first vaccinations. Ready to go. Prices negotiable.
SOLDWe have a litter of GSP puppies with champion bloodlines that were born on July 22nd, 2022. They will be ready for their new homes in the middle of September…
SOLDWe have a litter of GSP puppies with champion bloodlines that are estimated to be born on July 21st, 2022. They will be ready for their new homes in the…
SOLDAvailable are three male poms; Poseidon, Apollo and Dexter. These puppies are charting to be 3-5lbs. We will register your pup for you! Price is for each…