He's 13 weeks had first shots n worming working on potty training love play tugawore n loves play outside he happy boy he does need second round shots…
$600This sweet boy is a harlequin pinscher. He is just a wonderful little guy! He was born July 21, 2024 and is ready now. He comes with tail docked, vaccinations…
$1,000Ready for homes June 1st Utd shot records Both parents are AKC registered
SOLDPlayful, good with other pets, trainable. Parents are both AKC registered and healthly. Mother is purebred Cocker Spaniel and dad is purebred Papillon…
SOLDPlayful, healthy pups , good with other dogs. Up to date on shots and have been dewormed Price is $700 each with breeding rights $1100 each. Female is…
SOLD"Bear" is a very handsome Red Headed Tri Color. He was 8 weeks old on August 23rd and is ready to go home to his new family! AKC with a super fun and…
SOLD"Cora" is a stunning red and white girl. She was 8 weeks old on August 23rd and is ready to go home to her new family!! AKC with a super sweet and fun…
SOLD"Bilbo" is ready to go home to his new family! All of our corgis love their people, but this guy in particular lives for snuggling and attention! We are…